Magic Kabs - Make Shopping Fun!   Ph 0800 843 949 to place in your store
1. You want to take ALL practical, reasonable steps to prevent children being injured from
    shopping trolley falls in your store? Demonstrate this with the option of a safe, secureChild in a Magic Kab
    alternative to traditional shopping trolleys – Magic Kabs!
2. Kabs are provided free to stores 
3. More Business – Parents seek out stores with the kabs
4. Customers stay longer and buy more – Parents relax and enjoy shopping
5. Less disruption – children are entertained and occupied 
A sample of the comments we receive:
“Thank goodness for this ride – it makes shopping so easy” 
We come here instead of our local store because of the ride” 
“we don’t need to buy anything – she loves the ride so much we came in for it. I’ll buy a few things while here”
“These are great”
“Going shopping in the Magic Kab is my childs’ treat of the week” 
How do Magic Kabs work?
1. Kabs are parked (braked) near the store entrance
2. The parent places the child in the Kab, fastens the seat belt and locks the door
3. The parent inserts payment, the brakes are released and music/stories activated
4. The Kab ride lasts until they pass through the checkout where sensors activate the stop sequence
5. Several reminders from the rear speaker prompt the parent that the brakes are about to activate and
    the shopping should be transferred to a standard trolley
Contact us for more information, a demonstration or trial.
Magic Kabs - Make Shopping Fun!
Ph:0800 843 949